Nyc eagle gay bar friday march 17

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From left to right: Marilyn Lerner, Queen Bee, Oil on panel, 36×48 inches, 2020. Cosmic Geometries Installation view, Cosmic Geometries, EFA Project Space, 2022.

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Lend an ear to a sonic fusion of orchestral music and noise from a concrete plant, watch furniture spring to life in protest or pleasure, and dance in a glittery reimagining of San Francisco’s first Black-owned gay bar.

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Installation view of Sadie Barnette: The New Eagle Creek Saloon, The Kitchen, New York, January 18, 2022–Ma(courtesy of The Kitchen photo by Adam Reich)Ĭontrary to the art world’s discursive habits, art isn’t a code you crack it’s more like a place you go, ideally in good company.

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